Target Audience

Who should take this course?

Modules and courses at this level are designed for learners who have some experience in the workplace and focus on the understanding of concepts so that the learner is able to apply knowledge in a number of contexts. Although they will still work under supervision, they will have a degree of autonomy in carrying out their work tasks and the level of learning will help them to make sense of the knowledge in their work environment.


Why take this course?

To provide learners with an understanding of the key activities, responsibilities, and skills required to perform the role of University First Response Officer (UFRO) with confidence and professionalism.


Upon completion of these courses you will:

Upon completion UFRO's will have an understanding of; Crime Scene Management, Understanding Mental Health & Wellbeing, Helping Students with Mental Health Difficulties and Safeguarding as they relate to the role of a security officer within the Higher Education setting.


What's my time investment?

Approximately 8-10 hours which includes notional hours where you put your learnings into practice in the workplace.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome Image

  • 2

    Module One - Crime Scene Preservation

    • Welcome from Claire Humble

  • 3

    Crime Scene Basics

    • Crime scene basics

    • Quick test 1 - crime scene basics

  • 4

    Volume Crime Scenes

    • Volume crime scenes

    • Quick test 2 - volume crime scenes

  • 5

    Serious and Major Crime Scenes

    • Serious or major crimes scenes

    • Quick test 4 - serious or major crime scenes

  • 6

    Keeping a Log Book

    • Making a scene log

    • Quick test 3 - Crime Scene Log

  • 7

    Golden Hour and You

    • Golden Hour

    • Quick test 5 - Golden Hour

  • 8

    Cordons and Trace Evidence

    • Cordons

    • Quick test 6 - cordons

    • Understanding and preserving contact trace evidence

    • Quick test 7 - contact trace evidence

  • 9

    Crime Scene Management Final Test

    • Final test

    • End of course survey

  • 10

    Module 2 - Understanding Mental Health and Wellbeing

    • Mental health and the security officer role

    • Welcome and context

    • Quick Test - Welcome and context

  • 11

    Know Mental Health

    • A new way to understand mental health

    • Know mental health

  • 12

    Wellbeing ups and downs

    • Get to know wellbeing

    • Quick test - Wellbeing ups and downs

    • Factors affecting wellbeing

    • Quick test - Factors

  • 13

    Stress, Anxiety and Resilliance

    • Stress, anxiety and resiliance

    • Quick test - Stress, anxiety and resiliance

  • 14

    Final Test

    • Understanding mental health and wellbeing

  • 15

    Module 3 - Helping students with mental health difficulties

    • Helping students with mental health difficulties

  • 16

    Context of mental health distress

    • Context of mental health distress

    • Lesson 2 Test

  • 17

    Your role as a supporter - UFRO

    • Your role as a supporter - UFRO

    • Lesson 3 Test

  • 18

    Effective Communication

    • Effective communication

    • Lesson 4 Test

  • 19

    Approaching conversations with students who are distressed

    • Approaching conversations with students who are distressed

    • Lessons 5 - Quick Quiz

  • 20

    Helping students who may not be ready for help

    • Helping students who may not be ready for help

    • Lesson 6 - Quick Quiz

  • 21

    Post Incident

    • Post incident

    • Lesson 7 Test

    • End of module test

  • 22

    Module 4 - Safeguarding

    • Introduction

  • 23

    What is safeguarding?

    • What is SafeGuarding?

    • Quick Test - What is safeguarding?

  • 24

    UFRO's Duty of Care

    • UFRO's Duty of Care

    • Quick Test

  • 25

    Abuse and Harm

    • ABUSE & HARM

    • Quick Test - Abuse and Harm

  • 26

    Physical Abuse

    • Physical Abuse

    • Quick test - Physical abuse

  • 27

    Psychological Abuse

    • Psychological Abuse

    • Quick test - Psychological abuse

  • 28


    • Self-Neglect

    • Quick test

  • 29


    • Let's Recap

    • Final Test


Training Lead

Claire Humble

Leading on Safety & Security is a former Senior Police Officer and HE Assistant Director; Safety & Security, with a stand out reputation for delivering Sector Leading Transformational Change, Leadership and Security Strategy at all levels of an Institution. Her in-depth expertise in Security Operations, Systems & Risk Management is underpinned by a Masters level Degree in International Security and Membership of the Security Institute. Her experience includes: Safety & Security Strategy, Systems & Logistics Leadership & Management Security Operational Procedures Crime Prevention Security Risk & Threat Assessment Emergency Planning Investigation Transformational Culture Change

Senior Instructor

Dr Anne Llewellyn

Wellbeing specialist: Dr Anne Llewellyn’s (EdD) doctorate analysed the use of online immersive learning spaces to enhance professional skills development. As Deputy Director, Student and Library Services she had responsibility for learning skills development, student disability and mental health services at Teesside University until 2020. Anne has co-authored a number of textbooks in health and social care and social work.