Target Audience

Who should take this course?

University First Response Officers (UFRO's) and Superviros who may be required to support students with mental health and wellbeing needs.


Why take this course?

To provide an understanding of the concept of wellbeing and the role of security professionals in managing student wellbeing.


Upon completion of these courses you will:

Upon completion UFRO's will be able to: Define the concept of wellbeing and describe how it differs from mental health and illness. Describe the factors that might lead to poor well-being in students. Describe the factors that help to protect students from poor mental wellbeing. Identify signs of poor mental wellbeing.


What's my time investment?

45-60 minutes

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Mental health and the security officer role

    • Welcome and context

    • Quick Test - Welcome and context

  • 2

    Know mental health

    • A new way to understand mental health

    • Quick test - Know mental health

  • 3

    Wellbeing ups and downs

    • Get to know wellbeing

    • Quick test - Wellbeing ups and downs

    • Factors affecting wellbeing

    • Quick test - Factors

  • 4

    Stress, anxiety and resiliance

    • Stress, anxiety and resiliance

    • Quick test - Stress, anxiety and resiliance

  • 5

    Final test

    • Final test - Understanding mental health and wellbeing


Senior Instructor

Dr Anne Llewellyn

Wellbeing specialist: Dr Anne Llewellyn’s (EdD) doctorate analysed the use of online immersive learning spaces to enhance professional skills development. As Deputy Director, Student and Library Services she had responsibility for learning skills development, student disability and mental health services at Teesside University until 2020. Anne has co-authored a number of textbooks in health and social care and social work.